Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Unsubscribe from Valpak savings junk mail

Cox Target Media aka ValPak Savings : Mailing Removal Request Form

Another way to seek victory over the paper junk in your mailbox... Fill out this form.
Make sure to try as many variations of your address as you can come up with!


Danielle M said...

YAY! Thanks for the quick link. I couldn't find it in the privacy policy information on Valpak's site.

Anonymous said...

Valpak has hidden this form deep within their website and it could not be found by the likes of mere mortals such as I. Thank you, oh Brian Patton, for your gift to humanity.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So awesome!!! Thanks, Brian!!!

Karin the Rolfer said...

Here's the link to get off of the Red Plum coupon packs:

And a link about reducing junk mail in general:

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!